ROXXANA LOGISTICS LTD – “Beacon of Distribution “


Founded in 2012, ROXXANA LOGISTICS Limited is a mid-sized conglomerate with specific interests in the distribution of FMCGs. We work towards understanding the opportunities and challenges behind fast moving consumer goods and planning for an ever changing market dynamics. The right product selection, tools and information are the pillars of our business.

We tailor our services for each of our customers. Because we know that every customer has a different background , there's always something unique to address.ROXXANA Logistics Limited drives innovation in the marketplace with a nimble and insightful approach to business,representing a portfolio of premier telecom products distribution solutions and multiple fast moving consumer goods brands.

We help organisations plan, implement, and execute the movement and storage of products, materials, and services throughout the supply chain from the point of origin to the point of consumption. This includes transportation, shipping, warehousing, packaging, disposal, and security.The rise of e-commerce and complex, global supply chains have driven demand for these services. Different logistics companies will coordinate some or all of these processes, and adapt their offering to suit their clients' needs.

As a complete Third Party Logistics company (3PLs) asset bearing firm, with our own fleets and storage facilities. We provide a package of services or manage entire supply chains, tailored to our client's individual needs. We strive to develop longer-term relationships with their clients which proves useful when shipping capacities are tight and for the running of more complex supply chains.



Vision Statement :
To be the most valued and leading provider of client centred solutions within the areas of our interest in Uganda.


Our Mission:
To support and contribute to economic growth and development of the Uganda's economy and meaningfully contribute to the lives of ordinary Ugandans through the continuous provision of;

• Innovative and affordable client-based solutions that improve the quality of an individual's well-being.
• Training and development of the staff for increased first class service delivery to clients.
• A conclusive work environment that promotes creativity, self-expression and individual development.
All geared towards increased customer satisfaction.


Our Values


Excellence of service:
Through nurturing life-long relationships with our clients, we shall continuously understand their needs to avail them with the much needed tailor-made service. We shall strive to achieve a positive interaction with every client through continuous professionalism and respect for others.

We shall constantly adhere to complete honesty in all our transactions with all stakeholders. We shall keep our promises and honour our commitments.

We pride ourselves in treating all stakeholders in an honest and fair manner through maintaining dignified and ethical conduct at all levels of our interactions. We shall remain calm and rational during difficult situations and think and act appropriately at all times.

We shall lead by example and shall never knowingly be responsible for any form of breach of trust. We commit to continuous seeking of knowledge where we lack it and to always ensure we convey the accurate information to our clients and stakeholders-'Fair return to all stakeholders.'

Organisational Diversity:
We cherish and believe in a cultural diversity that strives to uphold all cultural backgrounds and incorporate them into a multi-diverse culture where everybody is unique and special.

Human Resource:
We believe that it is not necessarily the technology but rather the people that lead to the desired production. People are our core assets. A number of reward strategies are employed to keep the human resources motivated, committed and loyal in order to maximise performance excellence.